Do you want to buy a new paraglider?

At Freedom we will help and advise you to find the right paraglider for you, adapted to your level and your practice. You will find a wide range of EN A, EN B and EN C gliders and brands that we particularly like and that you may have discovered during your beginner course such as Niviuk or Air Design. And if paragliding for you is above all "walking and flying" then you should quickly test the Run & Fly glider from Dudek, an ultra light glider of less than 1 Kg designed by Jean-Baptiste Chandelier himself!

Hook 6 Niviuk
Niviuk Hook 6

TAKE THE NEXT STEP Improved performance due to optimised stability, control, comfort and performanc...

4 075,00 €

3 463,75 €

voile Volt 4
Airdesign Volt 4 occasion

Construction & Features – Double coated Skytex, doubled seams and etching tape on edges: robustne...

5 160,00 €

1 900,00 €

Ozone Zeolite2

The Zeolite 2 proved its worth in the 2023 X-Alps, on the podium and at the finish line. It is our l...

6 400,00 €

5 440,00 €

Voile Kode P Niviuk
Niviuk Kode P

Ultralight with a double-surface Combination of materials and internal structure to guarantee the o...

3 455,00 €

2 936,75 €

Susi 4 Airdesign
Airdesign Susi 4 Second hand

The Air Design SuSi 4 is certified from A to D and therefore covers all kinds of needs, pilot skills...

3 600,00 €

2 500,00 €

Ozone Zeolite2 GT

The Zeolite 2 GT development process pulled technology from the Photon and the Zeolite 2 XD (2023 X-...

6 020,00 €

5 117,00 €

Koyot 5 niviuk
Niviuk Koyot 5

Instruction, recreational flying Certified EN A, the Koyot 5 is the ideal companion for pilots who...

3 475,00 €

2 953,75 €

bgd epic 2
BGD Epic 2

The pleasure of flying, the beautiful life! The EPIC 2 has impeccable safety and fun handling. It’s...

3 790,00 €

3 221,50 €

susi 4
Airdesign Susi 4

The Air Design SuSi 4 is certified from A to D and therefore covers all kinds of needs, pilot skills...

3 600,00 €

3 060,00 €


3 290,00 €

2 796,50 €

Ozone Buzz Z7
Ozone Buzz Z7

4 280,00 €

3 638,00 €

eazy 3
Airdesign Eazy 3

The Eazy 3 is the wing that gives you access to free flight, the birds’ realm, and makes you become...

3 480,00 €

2 958,00 €

Choosing the right glider is very important but can be a bit complicated if you don't know what criteria to use. At Freedom we are here to guide you in your purchase and help you choose your paraglider. You will be sure to buy the equipment that is best suited to your level of experience.

You will find in our online paragliding shop all the new paragliders from our partner brands as well as a selection of second-hand paragliders at the end of the season at minimum prices, revised and of very good quality, ready to fly!

How to choose your paraglider ?

To choose your glider, there are several important criteria to take into account:

  • Your type of practice
  • Your level of paragliding
  • Your TWA (Total Flying Weight)
  • The make, model and age of the glider
  • The condition of the glider
  • And the colour of course

Your type of flying :

If you prefer to fly directly on site, to do randos flights, to do mountain flights, to do speed-riding or speed-flying, to do competition, or other; the choice of your glider will not be the same.

For example, if you prefer to fly in the mountains or on foot, lighter paragliders will be preferred, whereas if you prefer to fly on site, the weight of the glider will not be a determining factor for you.

It is therefore important to establish your type of practice to establish your most important criteria for choosing your paraglider.

Your technical level:

The technical level of piloting will influence the category of glider: In paragliding, there are different categories of gliders or glider approvals (En-A paragliders, En-B, En-C, En-D and mini gliders). The more advanced you are, the more powerful the glider, the greater its aspect ratio and therefore the higher the level of piloting and precision required. For a beginner glider, you should choose a glider with an En-A rating and the more you progress in your level of practice, the more you will go towards gliders with En-B, En-C and En-D ratings. But be careful not to move too quickly to a higher glider!

Your TFW (Total Flying Weight):

The TWA is the sum of your weight and that of your equipment (harness, glider, reserve, clothes, water bottle, car key, wallet, ...). As you can see, it is your weight and really everything you take with you to fly! You should know that on average you need to add about 15kg of equipment to your weight. Each glider has a weight range defined by the manufacturer in relation to the surface of the wing and its characteristics. Each surface depends on the brand and the year, so you should always check each time! So, to choose your wing correctly, you must not only be in the range of the wing, but also be well positioned in it. Example: A wing with a GVW range of 75-95kg would be suitable for a pilot weighing between 60-80kg (if you take 15kg of equipment). The range is quite large and you should be aware that the wing will not have the same reaction if you are at the bottom of the range (for a 60kg pilot) or at the top (80kg pilot). If you are at the lower end of the range, the wing will be slower, more damped and with a lower sink rate. Being at the lower end of the range may be ideal for a pilot who is more relaxed or prefers to fly in calmer conditions. On the other hand, if you are at the high end of the PTV range, the wing will be faster, sharper, with a higher sink rate. Being at the higher end of the range is ideal for a more 'spirited' pilot looking to fly in slightly stronger conditions.

The make, model and age of the wing:

The fourth criterion for choosing a glider is the model, age and brand of the glider. The latest models of new paragliders from leading brands such as Niviuk, Airdesign, Sky Paragliders, ... are necessarily the best choice, and you can't go wrong. In this shop, we sell products that we recommend to our trainees, former students and practitioners who come to us, to be sure of their quality and safety.

Also, the newer the model, the easier it will be to resell your sail later. But this does not mean that older models are not suitable. Overhauling, checking and repairing newer gliders or gliders from the big brands is easier and safer as paragliding workshops find the glider plans more easily and are used to working on these models unlike older gliders.

Do not hesitate to ask us for advice if you have any questions about the model.

The condition of the sail:

Another criterion, also very important! If it is a new sail, no problem, it is straight from the factory. However, this does not prevent you from testing the glider during an inflation session before taking off. If it is a used paraglider, the glider should be in good condition and give you confidence. Always ask for an overhaul report before buying second hand equipment, otherwise you run the risk of buying equipment that will not last long... To carry out an overhaul there are a few workshops in France. At Freedom, we also have a workshop for overhauling, checking and repairing paragliders, the only one in the Auvergne region. You can bring your glider directly to our workshop in Laschamps or send it to us by post.

And the colour of course:

It must have a beautiful colour that makes you fall in love with it! We offer you, for most new paragliders, different colour choices when the brands offer it. If you have found the right model for you, choose carefully the colour you like best!


What is the price of a glider?

The price of a wing will vary according to all the criteria seen before. It is necessary to count :

  • Between 700 and 1100€ for a second hand wing that still flies safely but is a bit obsolete and difficult to resell.
  • Between 1100 and 1700€ for a used wing that is less worn, more recent and still resaleable.
  • Between 1700 and 2500€ for a used wing in very good condition of a current model.
  • More than 2500€ for a brand new paraglider