In order to provide you with the best possible paragliding training follow-up, Freedom offers you, in addition to initial or continuing training, regular examination sessions to pass your certification throughout the year.
Validation of green level of pilot's passport.
Accessible after 1 initiation course (yellow) and 1 progression course (green).
It certifies the ability to fly without assistance in calm conditions on a known site and with adapted equipment, the analysis and management of aerological conditions being still incomplete at this level of progression.
This initial certificate consists of 2 parts:
Once these two parts have been acquired, a Technical Director of the French School of Free Flight validates the initial certificate on the passport.
When to pass the theory? During your training course progression (green) or every last Friday of the month at Freedom Parapente.
When to pass the practice? During your progress course or on a dedicated day on the Freedom calendar.
Theory cost: free of charge
Practical cost: free during your progress course, 80€ on a dedicated day.
Validation of the blue level of the pilot's passport.
Accessible after 1 initiation course (yellow) and 1 progression course (green) and about 50 personal practice flights outside school.
It certifies sufficient skills to look for information that will allow you to fly or not, depending on the site and conditions. These skills must allow the pilot to safely manage his evolution on the site, in varied aerological conditions, and to master the flight dynamics.
This pilot's licence is composed of 2 parts:
Once these two parts are acquired, a Technical Director of Freedom, Riton or Nico, validates the MCQ and the practice, and Freedom sends the documents and information to the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes free flight league for validation, accompanied by a check of 25€ payable to LAURAVL.
When to pass the theory? During your advanced training course (blue) or every last Friday of the month at Freedom Parapente.
When to pass the practice? On a dedicated day on the Freedom calendar.
Theory cost: 10€ (+25€ for the league, check cashed only after validation of theory + practice)
Practical cost: 80€ on a dedicated day.
Validation of the brown level of the pilot's passport. After a few years of experience and a practice of performance flight.
It certifies the competence to optimize the day's aerology operation in terms of piloting, analysis, respect of rules and state of mind. The confirmed pilot's license allows you to practice in competition and to access the federal qualifications (tandem rating, instructor, accompanist).
The confirmed pilot's license is composed of 2 parts:
Once these two parts have been acquired, a Freedom Technical Director, Riton or Nico, validates the MCQ and practice, and Freedom sends the documents and information to the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes free flight league for validation, accompanied by a cheque for 25€ payable to LAURAVL.
When to pass the theory? Every last Friday of the month at Freedom Parapente.
When to pass the practice? On 2 dedicated days registered in the Freedom calendar under the condition of registration for the continuing education at the beginning of the season.
Theory cost: 30€ (+25€ for the league, check cashed only after validation of theory + practice)
Practical cost: 200€ week-end of two dedicated days + training follow-up during the season
Those who want to practice the MCQs of the different theoretical patents can use the FFVL's automatic questionnaires available at this address : MCQs FFVL patent
You will be able to choose the type of paragliding patent you want and answer the 30 questions. Then you just have to click on the answer key to get your final mark and see the mistakes you made. You will then only have to re-open the reference books to understand and correct the shot.
You will then arrive in your pilot's licence training course with the knife between your teeth ready to take on the MCQ concocted by Freedom!
For any information or registration, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by mail !