The Sock Airdesign
Airdesign The sock

The sock-fit-concept: tight everywhere around you, but seamless, no pressure point, no blisters....

1 680,00 €

1 480,00 €

Kortel Kolibri EVO
Kortel Kolibri EVO

Cross harness | Competition | Hike and Fly | Flight on site Weight: 2,1 kg The Kolib...

1 390,00 €

1 251,00 €

Sellette Evo Lite 2 Supair
Supair Evo Lite 2

À PROPOS DE L’EVO LITE 2  De la sortie d’école jusqu’aux cross ambitieux en passant par le soarin...

950,00 €

807,50 €

Speedbag Evo Lite 2
Supair Speedbag Evo Lite 2

This speedbag is an optional module for theEVO LITE 2, enabling you to transform your harness Seat i...

250,00 €

212,50 €

supair delight 4
Supair Delight 4

Direct evolution of the DELIGHT 3, the DELIGHT 4 is the ideal harness for cross country progression....

1 720,00 €

1 462,00 €

supair delight 4 sport
Supair Delight 4 Sport

Always higher and always further, the 4th generation of the DELIGHT in its sport version reinvents t...

1 930,00 €

1 640,50 €

Arrow Niviuk
Niviuk Arrow

1 980,00 €

990,00 €

sellette GTO light 2 Woody Valley
Woody Valley GTO light 2

Hike & Fly | Cross country Weight: 3.7 kg The GTO light 2 is the best harness you can find for...

1 670,00 €

1 503,00 €

sellette X-Rated 7 Woody Valley
Woody Valley X-Rated 7

Cross Country Weight: 8,5 kg The competition harness pushed to the limit. A combination of tec...

2 390,00 €

2 151,00 €

sellette Kortel Kannibal Race 2
Kortel Kannibal Race II

Cross and Competition harness Weight: 8.1 kg The Kanibal Race II has been designed with one th...

2 290,00 €

2 061,00 €

cocon Dudek Techno 2023
Dudek Techno 2023

The Techno 2023 is our latest ultralight cocoon weighing just 1.96kg. It's perfect for specialist cr...

1 380,00 €

1 173,00 €

Supair Alp

Designed for performance-demanding Hike & Fly athletes at High level, the ALP redefines the standard...

2 690,00 €

What are the advantages of a paragliding cocoon harness?

The cocoon harness is a type of harness used for paragliding that is characterised by a closed cockpit surrounding the pilot, and a more extended flying position. Their main purpose is to protect the pilot from external elements such as wind and cold, while offering increased comfort on long flights. The tapered shape and smooth fabrics used also improve the penetration of the harness/pilot pair into the air and reduce drag. 

Its strong point is its ability to maintain a stable body temperature for the pilot, allowing for longer flights in safety and comfort.

However, its weak point is its higher weight compared to a conventional harness. In addition, they are generally more expensive than a conventional harness. The extended position also results in a greater leverage during flight incidents, which must be compensated for by a finer and more reactive piloting to avoid being caught in turbulence.

Which cocoon harness to choose between Kortel, Supair, Woody Valley, Niviuk...

All the paragliding harness brands are now using the cocoon harness. Some are even pushing the limits with new profiles and inflatable rear daggerboards that make these models look more and more like aeroplanes. On the other hand, the more technical and the more competition-oriented the cocoon harness, the heavier it generally becomes. This is the case for example with the Woody Valley X Rated and its 8,5 Kg or the Kortel Kannibal Race 2 and its 8,1 Kg.

Others are much lighter, such as the Delight from Supair or the GTO light from Woody Valley. 

You can also choose between a foam protection or an airbag protection depending on the model you choose.

To choose your cocoon harness, do not hesitate to contact us to be sure to buy the equipment perfectly adapted to your needs.