What is the price of a paragliding flight in the Puy de Dôme?

With Freedom you have the choice between 3 distinctive formulas and prices ranging from 80 to 200€ depending on the paragliding experience you dream of. From a gentle discovery flight to an adrenalin-filled, explosive and acrobatic flight, via an educational flight during which you will take full control, you are bound to find what you're looking for with Freedom Paragliding! In addition, we offer different options to improve your flight and keep extraordinary memories of it!




Discovery tandem flight


Educational tandem flight


Adrenaline tandem flight


Long-duration tandem flight


VIP tandem flight


Children's tandem flight


Video option without editing

video editing option +50€

Duo and patrol option (if there are several of you flying)


Gift envelope option (for gift voucher)

tarif parapente puy de dome

What is the price of a paragliding course at the Puy de Dôme?

Whether you want to do an introductory paragliding course in the Massif-Central or an advanced course, a one-day course or 5 consecutive days, a two-course pack, with or without video... depending on the formula you choose, the prices will be different. You will find below all our prices for paragliding courses 2025 ! The loan of the equipment is included in the amounts indicated. If you have a question about a paragliding course in the Massif-Central, don't hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.


Paragliding courses prices


TRAINING - Initiation - Progression - Improvement: Groups of 7 students maximum!


1st Course 5 consecutive days

1st Course 5 consecutive days : 10% off if personal material, student, under 18 years old



2nd course (or more) 5 consecutive days : 15%

2nd course (or more) 5 consecutive days : 20% off if personal material, student, under 18 years old

637,50 €


progress course 4 days

10%, 15% or 20% off depending on the number of internships completed, personal material, student or less than 18

600 €


INTERNSHIPS - Perfectionnement Massif-Central - Alpes - Itinerant


5-day course (plan extra travel and accommodation)

750 €


Annecy : Groups of 6 students maximum  and 7 students at Bort les Orgues  

1 day

240 €

2  days concecutives (Bort les Orgues)

480 €

3  days concecutives (Annecy)

720 €

Group of 6 or more drivers (price per day and per driver)

230 €


We offer 10% discount on courses (consecutive days) for :

  • The owners of their complete personal equipment for the 4 or 5 day courses
  • Students and young people under the age of 18.
  • Discounts are cumulative up to a limit of 20%