Alti Vario GPSBluetooth

Global airspaces World


Competition compatible

499,00 €
Disponibilité : sur commande

The challenge was great... to meet the expectations of the pilots who wanted to keep the SYS'Nav format while benefiting from the SYS'Evolution functions and technologies. The first technical lines of this instrument are taking shape in 2018. Listening to pilots and dealers, it is clear that the perfect instrument is the combination of the versatility of the SYS'Nav (robustness, reliability, simplicity, autonomy, positioning on the lift...) and the performance of the SYS'Evolution (large screen, readability, functions, connectivity...).

This was a very ambitious specification that gave us much more work than we had imagined!

We had to use all our skills and above all our 10 years of experience to fit all the technology into the volume of a SYS'Nav in order to meet the pilots' expectations without any concessions. In search of the square millimetres available to make the most complete and efficient instrument possible.

The result is without appeal, the SYS'Nav XL is today the most versatile and lightest instrument on the market. Whether you are a beginner, a cross-country skier, a hiker, a tandem pilot, an adventurer, a paramotorist or a competitor, the SYS'Nav XL will be the ideal companion for the whole life of a pilot. This novelty does not come alone, in addition to the very innovative instrument that we will present to you, Syride also announces a new mobile application as well as new functions on the website!

As you can see, the whole team is very proud to present in this press kit the result of thousands of hours of design and development for the greatest pleasure of pilots.